Contact info

054 55 71 10 Ballingsweg 25, 9620 Zottegem



Our specialized crew will visit you to discuss your project. Because of this, we will have a better view of the provided space and the surroundings.

All the possible changes in the original design will be discussed. Based on this, the whole concept will be worked out.


We will discuss the concept with an architect, an interior designer or with the end customer. After we discussed the concept, we can make the lighting plan.

Lighting Calculations

We provide a detailled calculation in which we implement our lighting devices, a report of all the technical lighting parameters and a clear lighting plan. This plan gives a clear overview of the light distribution, based on 3D-images

After Sales

We will be monitoring your project and if a problem occurs, we will solve this for you.


The buyer acknowledges that this guarantee applies to the specified warranty period as stated for each product in the catalog. The seller is not liable in accordance with this warranty if any defect occurs as a result of wear and tear of the parts, as a result of deliberate damage or negligence on the part of the buyer or as a result of damage due to improper use by the operator, if the buyer instructions in the technical documentation supplied by the seller have not been followed if the buyer has made material changes without permission from the seller.